I am a permanent research scientist at IRSN Cadarache since 2024, in charge of studies on steel ageing using advanced simulation methods.

Previously, I was a post-doc at CEA Saclay, where I developed machine learning methods to analyze processes happening at the atomic scale 🔬 in metals: defects formation, thermally activated process, phase transformations, materials evolution in environment,…

For this, I developed efficient atomic descriptors and machine-learning (ML) force-fields, together with Mihai-Cosmin Marinica and Alexandra M. Goryaeva.

I intensively use massively parallel computational methods such as molecular dynamics to study solid state physics problems at different scales, using both classical and ML-based methods. An example is the simulation of plasticity in metals, which is mediated by dislocation motion –actually the subject of my thesis.

For my PhD, I worked with David Rodney (Univ. Lyon), Michel Perez (INSA) and Fabienne Ribeiro (IRSN) on the depinning of dislocations from interstitial solutes, introducing a new potential for Fe-C. I defended in Dec. 2021 at Université de Lyon–UCBL.